identifiable overlapping regulations as between
State and local governments.
7. The Task Force shall conclude its work by
January 1, 1981 unless its existence is further
WHEREAS, The Congress of the United States has passed and
the President of the United States has enacted Public
Law 95-524 the Comprehensive Employment and Training
Act Amendments of 1978; and
WHEREAS, Public Law 95-524 amends the Comprehensive
Employment and Training Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C.S. 801,
et. seq., to extend the authorization of programs and
appropriations through Fiscal Year 1982, and to provide
improved employment and training services; and
WHEREAS, The Governor of the State of Maryland has created
organizations in the State to ensure that effective,
efficient, and coordinated employment and training
services are provided to eligible Maryland residents by
executing the Executive Order of October 8, 1970
creating the Maryland Manpower Coordinating Committee
which was superseded by the Executive Order of July 1,
1976 creating the organizational structure within the
State to implement the State's responsibilities under
the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973;
WHEREAS, The reauthorization of the Comprehensive
Employment and Training Act (CETA) will require the
States and local governments acting as prime sponsors
under the Act to revise their present structure and
operations to conform to the new programs and policies
of Public Law 95-524; and
WHEREAS, The Governor of Maryland has been delegated and
has exercised responsibilities as the State prime
sponsor for statewide coordination and special
services, and statewide youth services, and as Balance
of State prime sponsor for those jurisdictions of the
State not qualifying as prime sponsors under the
provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training
Act; and