order to assist in financing the expansion, reconstruction,
rehabilitation, renovation, and improvement of the Garrett
County Memorial Hospital, including the costs of development
of property rights, acquisition and installation of
furnishings and equipment, and any related planning,
architectural, and engineering services, and to effect such
borrowing by the issuance and sale at public or private sale
of its general obligation bonds in like par amount;
empowering the County to fix and determine, by resolution,
the form, tenor, interest rate or rates or method of
determining the same, terms, conditions, maturities, and all
other details incident to the issuance and sale of the
bonds; empowering the County to issue refunding bonds for
the purchase or redemption of bonds in advance of maturity;
empowering and directing the County to enter into an
agreement with the Board of Governors of the Garrett County
Memorial Hospital for payment of the debt service
requirements of the bonds from revenues of the Hospital and
further to levy, impose, and collect, annually, ad valorem
taxes in rate and amount sufficient to provide funds that
may otherwise be necessary for the payment of the maturing
principal of and interest on the bonds; exempting the bonds
and refunding bonds, and the interest thereon, and any
income derived therefrom, from all State, county, municipal,
and other taxation in the State of Maryland; relating
generally to the issuance and sale of such bonds; making
this Act an Emergency Measure; and submitting this Act to a
local referendum.
And it is hereby certified that at said election, 3,777
votes were cast for the adoption of said Chapter 36 and
1,893 votes were cast against the adoption of said Chapter
36, the said Chapter 36 of the Acts of 1980 has therefore
been ratified.
GIVEN Under My Hand and the Seal of the State
Administrative Board of Election Laws of the State of
Maryland, Done at the City of Annapolis, this 29th day of
May, In the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand, Nine Hundred and
(Seal of State
Administrative Board of
Election Laws)
Willard A. Morris