WHEREAS, Due to inflation the resources of the State
are decreasing and the demands on present Program resources
are increasing annually; and
WHEREAS, The delivery of Program benefits and services
to individual recipients is frequently delayed; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland needs
assistance, data, and guidance in establishing guidelines
and priorities for present and continued funding and
operation of the Program; now, therefore, be it
body should study the entire Medical Assistance Program; and
be it further
RESOLVED, That the Speaker of the House of Delegates
and the President of the Senate should appoint the following
persons to the Commission: two Senators; two Delegates; two
representatives from the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene and from the Department of Human. Resources; one
representative from the Maryland Hospital Association; two
representatives of the medical profession; one
representative of the dental profession; one representative
of the pharmaceutical community; one representative of the
practice of psychiatry; one representative of the insurance
industry; one representative from Blue Cross/Blue Shield;
and two representatives from each of the following nonprofit
organizations: senior citizen groups, handicapped groups,
and organizations whose primary function is to work with low
income citizens; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Commission should make an interim
report to the General Assembly of its findings and
recommendations by January, 1981, and should make a final
report by January 1982; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the
Honorable James Clark, Jr., President of the Senate of
Maryland; the Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin, Speaker of the
House of Delegates; and the Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor
of Maryland.
Signed May 27, 1980.
No. 32
(Senate Joint Resolution No. 24)
A Senate Joint Resolution concerning
The Racing Industry