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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 2092   View pdf image
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Ch. 586

(4) Then (b) The boundary between wards 20 and
28 shall be as follows;

(1) Beginning at the intersection of Frederick
Avenue and Woodington Road and continuing northward north,
along center line of Woodington Road to Old Frederick Road;

(5) (2) Then northwestwardly northwest along
center line of Old Frederick Road to Athol Avenue;

(6) (3) Then northward north along center line
of Athol Avenue to Edmondson Avenue; and

(7) (4) Then eastward east along center line of
Edmondson Avenue to Woodington Road.

(b) (c) The boundary between wards 16 and 28 shall be
as follows:

(1)  Beginning at the intersection of Edmondson
Avenue and Woodington Road and continuing northward north
along Woodington Road to Rokeby Road;

(2)  Then westward west along center line, of
Rokeby Road to its intersection with the center line of
Lazear Road;

(3)  Then northward north along center line of
Lazear Road to its intersection with Dead Run; and

(4)  Then eastwardly east along Dead Run to
Franklintown Road.

(e) (d) The boundary between wards 15 and 28 shall be
as follows:

(1)  Beginning at the intersection of Dead Run
and Franklintown Road and continuing northwardly north along
its intersection with Gwynns Falls;

(2)  Then continuing northwestwardly northwest
along center line of Gwynns Falls to Windsor Mill Road;

(3)  Then eastwardly east along center line of
Windsor Mill Road to Clifton Avenue;

(4)  Then northwestwardly northwest along center
line of Clifton Avenue to Mondawmin Avenue;

(5)  Then eastwardly east along the center line
of Mondawmin Avenue to Queen Anne Road;

(6)  Then northwestwardly northwest along the
center line of Queen Anne Road to Lawina Road;

(7)  Then northwestwardly northwest along the
center line of Lawina Road to Bateman Avenue;


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 2092   View pdf image
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