benefit of the subdivision or to develop or otherwise
improve land or recreational facilities that will assist in
supplying the overall recreational and open space needs of
the subdivision; (4) the reservation of lands for schools
and other public buildings and for parks, playgrounds, and
other public purposes, provided no reservation of land for
traffic, recreation or any other public purposes as herein
provided shall continue for longer than three years without
the written approval of all persons holding or otherwise
owning any legal or equitable interest in the property; and
provided further that the properties reserved for public use
shall be exempt from all State, county, and local taxes
during the period; (5) the conservation of or production of
adequate transportation, water drainage and sanitary
facilities; (6) the preservation of the location of and the
volume and flow of water in and other characteristics of
natural streams and other waterways; (7) the avoidance of
population congestion; (8) the avoidance of scattered or
premature subdivision of land as would involve danger or
injury to health, safety or welfare by reason of the lack of
water supply, drainage, transportation or other public
services or necessitate an excessive expenditure of public
funds for the supply of services; (9) conformity of
resubdivided lots to the character of lots within the
existing subdivision with respect to area, frontage, and
alignment to existing lots and streets; (10) control of
subdivision or building (except for agricultural or
recreational purposes) in flood plain areas or streams and
drainage courses, and on unsafe land areas; (11)
preservation of outstanding natural or cultural features and
historic sites or structures; or (12) other benefits to the
health, comfort, safety or welfare of the present and future
population of the regional district.
Article 70B - Office on Aging
The Commission on Aging shall act as an advisory body
to the Office on Aging. The Commission shall, in addition,
review and approve all new programs proposed by the Director
on Aging before they are implemented, and shall advise on
and approve any of the actions of the Director taken
pursuant to § [3(b)] 4(B) prior to their being implemented.
Article 73B - Pensions
(2) (a) The board of trustees shall fix and determine
by appropriate rules and regulations how much service in any
year is equivalent to one year of service, but except as
otherwise provided, in no case shall more [then] THAN one
year of service be creditable for all service in one
calendar year.