of the Office of Landlord—Tenant Affairs, to provide that an
owner-corporation be qualified to do business in the State
of Maryland, to provide the requirement that all owners
certify the name, address and telephone number of an agent
who shall reside in Maryland and accept service of process
on behalf of the owner.
Approved December 22, 1977.
Bill No. 39-77
Chapter 17
AN ACT to add a new Section 30-12, title "Alcoholic
Beverages—Consumption on Public Property" of Chapter 30,
title "Licensing and Regulations Generally," of the
Montgomery County Code 1972, to authorize the County
Executive to establish rules and regulations governing the
consumption of alcoholic beverages on public property.
Approved December 23, 1977.
Bill No. 40-77
Chapter 18
AN EMERGENCY ACT to amend Sections 15-12, title "Fees"
and Section 15—15, title "renewal" of Chapter 15, title
"Eating and Drinking Establishments", Section 44—22, title
"License Fees", and Section 44—23, title "Expiration of
License", of Chapter 44, title "Schools and Camps", Section
30—2, title "Same — Authority to Regulate, etc.", of
Chapter 30, title "Licensing and Regulations Generally",
Section 47—13, title "Same — Fee; issuance; contents", and
Section 47-15, title "Same — Renewal", of Chapter 47, title
"Solicitors, hawkers and peddlers", Section 10—11, title
"License Fee" and section 10—16, title "Renewal of
licenses—application for renewal generally" of Chapter 10,
title "Child Care" and Section 17-25 (a) of Chapter 17, title
"Electricity", all of the Montgomery County Code 1972, as
amended, for the purpose of permitting the County Executive
to set fees to be charged for licenses consistent with the
cost of administering this Chapter, to permit all or part of
the license fee to be waived in certain circumstances; to
authorize the County Executive to issue certain rules and
regulations and to adjust the expiration dates of certain
licenses issued under this Code.
Approved December 23, 1977.