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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 2328   View pdf image
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FOR the purpose of requiring that in matters affecting rates
and service by a public service company in Allegany
County the Public Service Commission shall hold at
least one hearing in Allegany County and during certain

May 29, 1979
Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404

Dear Mr. Speaker:

In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the
Maryland Constitution, I have today vetoed House Bill 1567.

House Bill 1567 requires the Public Service Commission
to hold at least one evening hearing in Allegany County on
"each application by a public service company or a proposed
regulation by the Public Service Commission concerning
service" affecting Allegany County.

While I agree with the bill's principle thrust, i.e.,
to expand the opportunities for public enlightenment and to
provide Allegany County residents with a convenient
opportunity to comment on matters of public interest
involving their utility service, the bill, as drafted, is
overly broad as it would require hearings on nearly every
matter which would effect a public service company operating
in Allegany County. The vast majority of these matters
involve administrative actions for which formal harings are
not necessary and on which there will be little or no public
interest in attending a hearing.

The Public Service Commission has advised me that it
will administratively implement the provisions of House Bill
1567 by holding evening hearings in Allegany County on rate
increase applications involving the major utilities which
provide service in Allegany County. As I understand that
the sponsor's intent was to facilitate the hearing process
on rate increases, this administrative commitment will avoid
the expense associated with holding unnecessary public
hearings on other, routine public service company actions.

For the reasons stated, I have decided to veto House
Bill 1567.

Harry Hughes


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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 2328   View pdf image
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