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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 2312   View pdf image
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May 29, 1979
Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404

Dear Mr. Speaker:

In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the
Maryland Constitution, I have today vetoed House Bill 1222.

This bill increases the number of judges of the circuit
courts in Anne Arundel, Charles, Montgomery, Prince
George's, and Worcester counties and the Supreme Bench of
Baltimore City.

Senate Bill 741, which was enacted by the General
Assembly and signed by me on May 29, 1979, accomplishes the
same purpose.


Therefore it is unnecessary for me to sign House Bill

Harry Hughes

House Bill No. 1236

AN ACT concerning

Excise Tax on Cigarettes — Sales Tax, Use
Tax, and Sales

FOR the purpose of exempting certain cigarette sales of
cigarettes from the retail level sales tax; providing
for an excise tax on cigarett
es in lieu of a retail
sales tax; d
efining terms; providing for the

imposition, payment, and collection of the excise tax

on cigarettes; authorizing the Comptroller to enforce

the provisions of this Act; providing penalties; and
providing that the sale and use of all cigarettes in
the state shall be subj
ect to the full tax; providing
that cigarettes held for sal
e after the effective date
of thi
s Act shall bear stamps equal to the increased

rate of tax, except under certain conditions; providing

that, with certain exceptions, a certain stamp shall be

used to evidence the statewide tax; changing the amount

of discount to stamp purchasers; providing for the


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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 2312   View pdf image
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