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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 1912   View pdf image
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Ch. 683

Article 78B — Racing Commission

Section 18A(g)

Annotated Code of Maryland

(1975 Replacement Volume and 1978 Supplement)

MARYLAND, That section(s) of the Annotated Code of Maryland
be repealed, amended, or enacted to read as follows:

Article 78B - Facing Commission


(b) Each mile thoroughbred licensee licensed under §
7 of this article shall deduct the breakage computed to the
[ten] 10 cents [(10¢)] and the following amounts on all
races conducted by it: for calendar year 1978 and all
subsequent calendar years, 15 percent of the regular mutuel
pool, 19 percent of the multiple mutuel pool involving two
horses, and 25 percent of the multiple mutuel pool involving
three or more horses. Regular mutuel pool means a separate
wagering pool in which an interest is represented by a
single ticket evidencing a single wager on one horse.
Multiple mutuel pool means a separate wagering pool in which
an interest is represented by a single wager on two or more
horses. Each licensee shall apply the amounts deducted as

(1)   One half of the breakage shall be allocated
for purse money. Ten percent of the one half of the
breakage for purse money shall be allocated to the
Maryland—Bred Race Fund as provided by § 18A of this

(2)   One half of the breakage may be retained by
the licensee.

(3)   [5.34] 3 4.09 percent of the mutuel pools
shall be paid to the Maryland Racing Commission for the use
of the State as provided by § 14 of this article.

(4)   An amount equal to [0.50] 1.34 1 percent of
the mutuel pools on all races conducted during the year
shall be allocated to the Maryland—Bred Race Fund as
provided by § 18A of this Article.

(5)  (i) For the calendar year 1978 and all
subsequent calendar years, an amount equal to 5 percent of
the regular mutuel pools, 8 percent of the multiple mutuel
pools involving two horses, and 14 percent of the multiple
mutuel pools involving three or more horses shall be
allocated for purse money.

(ii) The formula for distribution of the
purse money shall be determined by an agreement between an
organization representing the horsemen and the tracks, the


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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 1912   View pdf image
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