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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 1901   View pdf image
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agricultural A—1 district under the provisions of the county
zoning ordinance Article 16 and not previously used.


OCCURRED AN owner of land within a transfer zone may not be
granted the right to increase the density of residential use
of his land [until the following sequence of events has

(1)    The owner shall apply to the Planning
Commission for permission to increase the density of
residential use of his land.

(2)    The owner shall produce a copy of a proper


The conveyance of a development option does not affect
the ownership of that property. Once the development option
of a property has been conveyed, that property shall be used
for agricultural, forestry, or other closely related uses
permitted by the Board. The conveyance of a development
option restricts the use of that land by all future
purchasers, owners, heirs, and assigns to the same extent as
the use was restricted by the original conveyor of the
development option.

(b) An owner of property located within an
agricultural preservation district is not required to convey
his development options. However, once an owner of a parcel
located within an agricultural preservation district conveys
any development options on a designated parcel, he may not
remove that designated parcel from the agricultural
preservation district. This restriction applies only to the
designated parcel from which the option was conveyed and not
to other parcels of land owned by the conveyor.


If a person who owns land within an agricultural
preservation district [wishes] DESIRES to build a dwelling
for a family member or one of his farm employees but has
previously conveyed all of his development options, he shall
purchase five development rights for each dwelling he wishes
to build from another owner of land within an agricultural
district or from an owner of development rights. The board
may not permit the landowner's density to exceed one
dwelling per 25 acres of land.


The assessment of land devoted to agricultural or
forest use may not be affected by whether or not that land
is INCLUDED in an agricultural preservation district.


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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 1901   View pdf image
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