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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 1898   View pdf image
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1898                                       LAWS OF MARYLAND                                    Ch. 680

(e)    "Designated agricultural area" means those areas
of the county identified by the Agricultural Preservation
Advisory Board as having the greatest potential for
maintaining a viable level of agricultural or forest
product ion.

(f)    "Development option" means the right of a
landowner in an agricultural preservation district to convey
the privilege that permits a person to increase the density
of residential use of land in a designated transfer zone.

(g)    "Development right" means the right an
agricultural owner conveys to a person that permits the
person to increase the density of residential use of land in
a designated transfer zone. A development right comes into
existence only after a development option has been conveyed
by an owner in an agricultural preservation district.

(h) "Program" means the Calvert County Agricultural
Land Preservation Program.

(i) "Transfer zone" means the area in Calvert      County

zoned agricultural "A—1" designated by the      County

Commissioners as an area where development rights      may be
used to increase the density of residential use.

(j) "Development option agreement" means a recorded
instrument which sets forth the provisions of the conveyance
of the development options. The format and minimum contents
shall be established by the County Commissioners.


(a)    The Board of County Commissioners [of Calvert
County] may appoint an Agricultural Preservation Advisory
Board consisting of five members, at least three of whom
shall be owner operators of commercial farms who earn 51
percent or more of their income from farming.

(b)    One member shall be a resident of each election

(c)    Original members shall be appointed for the
following terms:

(1)    One for a term of [three] 3 years;

(2)    Two for a term of [four] 4 years; and

(3)    Two for a term of [five] 5 years.

Thereafter, terms of office shall be [five] 5 years. A
member may not serve for more than two consecutive full
terms. Appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the
remainder of the unexpired terms.


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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 1898   View pdf image
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