All deeds, wills, mortgages, papers or other
instruments of writing which have been re—recorded, whether
from the original or FROM certified copies [thereof], either
in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Calvert
County or in the office of the Register of Wills of [said]
THE county, since [the third day of March, eighteen hundred
and eighty-two] MARCH 3, 1882, or which may [hereafter]
LATER be re—recorded in [said] THOSE offices, the original
records of which were destroyed by fire, shall have the same
force and effect in law and equity that the originals had.
[; provided, that] HOWEVER, all [such] THESE deeds,
mortgages, wills, papers and other instruments of writing
which may be re—recorded, WHERE recording [whereof] was made
necessary by law, shall be re—recorded in conformity and
compliance with the laws of this State relating to
conveyancing and recording, and shall be subject to the
conditions and regulations [thereof], JUST the same as new
deeds, mortgages, wills and other instruments of writing ARE
SUBJECT. [; provided, that the] THE existence and recording
of any deed, mortgage, will or other instrument of writing
destroyed by [said] fire or lost[,] may be proven by parol
or otherwise[,] in accordance with the rules of evidence,
and when so proven shall have the same force and effect as
the original would have had.
[See page image for remaining text.]