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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 1890   View pdf image
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1890                                           LAWS OF MARYLAND                                         Ch. 680

[It shall be unlawful for any] A wholesale plumbing

distributor or manufacturer [to] MAY NOT refuse to sell to

any retail plumbing outlet any supplies, appliances

or fixtures or any goods [in the] OF THAT nature [of the
aforesaid] in Calvert County. Any violation of this section

[shall be punished] IS PUNISHABLE by a fine of not more than

[one hundred dollars] $100 for each [such] violation.

(Note: The provisions of this Subtitle are proposed for
transfer to Sections 170A and 170B.)


[to] include sufficient funds in the levy each year to pay
[for same] THEIR SALARIES.

(B) The police officers [so] appointed by the County

Commissioners [shall] have all the authority and powers

possessed by deputy sheriffs of the State of Maryland, under

the general laws of the State or the local laws of Calvert

County, [in so far] as [such] THOSE powers [are in

reference] REFER to the criminal jurisdiction of [said]
deputy sheriffs in making arrests or in any manner enforcing
the laws of the State.

(Note: The provisions of this Section are proposed for
repeal as obsolete.)

Preservation of Historical Matters

250A 250.

(A)    The County Commissioners [of Calvert County are
hereby authorized to] MAY appropriate annually a sum to be
determined by them for the benefit of each of the following:

(1)   The Marine Museum of Calvert County, and

(2)   [the] THE Battle Creek Cypress Swamp.

(B)   Payments made for the benefit of the Marine Museum
shall be paid directly or through the appropriate agency of
the Calvert County Historical Society. The annual
appropriations [herein] authorized by the Calvert County
Commissioners [shall] ARE not [be] contingent upon whether
legal title to the real property is vested in Calvert County
or Nature Conservancy, Inc.




      (A) The County Commissioners [of Calvert County are

hereby authorized to] MAY appoint two police OFFICERS for

the County, [to] prescribe their duties and compensation and


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Session Laws, 1979
Volume 737, Page 1890   View pdf image
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