Ch. 680
after the date of the installation of the materials
furnished or performance of [such] THE work or service.
[Each and every] EVERY license issued under the
provisions of this subtitle shall be evidence in any court
of Calvert County of the business for which the license WAS
issued for a period not to exceed one [(1) ] year from [the]
ITS date [hereof]. All licenses and renewals of [same]
THESE LICENSES shall expire on [the first day of] May 1 in
each year.
[No] A person, firm or corporation granted a license
under the provisions of this sub—title [shall] WAY NOT
install or repair electrical wires, conductors or apparatus
for electric light, heat or power purposes after the
expiration OR REVOCATION of [said licenses, or after said
license shall have been revoked, as herein provided,] THE
LICENSE unless the [said] license or renewal [of same shall
have been] WAS renewed as [herein] provided IN THIS
SUBTITLE. [; provided, that any] ANY person, firm or
corporation [so] granted a license under the provisions of
this sub-title (unless the [said] license [shall have] HAS
been revoked [as hereinafter provided] )[,] shall be granted
a LICENSE renewal [of said license] without examination of
the applicant. [, provided] HOWEVER, AN application [is]
made to the [said] board by the holder of [such] THE license
within the three months preceding [the] ITS expiration [of
such license,] AND upon payment of a fee of [fifteen dollars
($15.00) ] $15[, and the said renewal of said license] shall
CAUSE THE LICENSE TO be RENEWED for a period of one [(1)]
year. [, and any such] ANY renewal of [such] THE license
shall have the same weight as evidence in any court of this
State as [hereinbefore] WAS provided for [said] THE original
license. [; provided, also, that one] ONE year renewals
shall be granted in like manner upon expiration of any
renewal of A license [upon making like] WHEN application and
[paying like] PAYMENT OF THE fee[,] IS MADE within THE three
months preceding the expiration of [said] THE renewal.
[Said] THE board shall have full power to revoke for
proper cause any license or renewal of [same] A LICENSE
after a full hearing of all parties in interest.
Each license and LICENSE renewal [of same] shall be in
force and effect only so long as an approved bond filed with
the [said] board in accordance with the provisions of this
sub—title shall remain in full force and effect. [, and
every such] EVERY license or LICENSE renewal [of same] shall
become [utterly] void and of no effect[,] should any [such]