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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 3578   View pdf image
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A RESOLUTION to levy a tax of ten percent (10%) on the
gross receipts of every person, firm, or corporation
obtained from sources within the City of Annapolis derived
from the amounts charged for (1) admission to any place,
whether the admission be by single ticket, season ticket or
subscription, including a cover charge for seats or tables
at any roof garden cabaret or other similar place where
there is furnished a performance, if payment of the amounts
entitles the patron thereof to be present during any portion
of the performance; (2) admission within an enclosure in
addition to the initial charge for admission to the
enclosure; (3) the use of sporting or recreational
facilities or equipment, including the rental of sporting or
recreational equipment; and (4) refreshment, service or
merchandise at any roof garden, cabaret or similar place
where there is furnished a performance.

WHEREAS, Article 81 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1975 Replacement Volume and Supplements) provides for the
authority to the City of Annapolis to levy a tax on
admissions and amusements; and

WHEREAS, the Mayor and Aldermen wish to impose said
taxes in accordance with its authority.

[Charter of Annapolis, Anne Arundel County.

Effective Date August 9, 1977]


(Harford County)


Resolution of the Board of Town Commissioners of Bel
Air, Maryland, adopted pursuant to the authority of Article

XI—E of the Constitution of the State of Maryland and

Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 edition,
as amended) title: "Corporations—Municipal," to repeal and
re-enact the Charter of The Town of Bel Air as set forth in
Sections 91 to 177, inclusive, of The Code of Public Local
Laws of the Harford County Code, 1965 edition, and as set in
the following amendments thereto:

(a) Resolution #23 of the Commissioners of the Town
of Bel Air to amend the Town Charter by removing the
requirement that a person in order to be qualified to vote
must be assessed with at least one hundred dollars ($100.00)
of real or personal property on the tax books of the Town.


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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 3578   View pdf image
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