BLAIR LEE III, Acting Governor
and placed so as to reduce to the greatest extent
practicable the dangers associated with them.
Several State agencies now have responsibilities or
have promulgated regulations in this area. These agencies
include the Division of Labor and Industry of the Department
of Licensing and Regulation; the Environmental Health
Administration of the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene; and the Water Resources Administration of the
Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Public
Safety and Correctional Services. The General Assembly of
Maryland finds that a need exists to coordinate State
efforts and to ascertain whether proper safety standards
have been set and are being enforced; now, therefore, be it
Department of Licensing and Regulation, the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene, and the Department of Natural
Resources are requested to conduct a joint study to
(a) How State efforts to ensure the safety of tanks
containing hazardous materials can best be coordinated and
how responsibilities in this area can most effectively be
(b) What standards should be promulgated for the
proper design, construction, maintenance, and placement of
tanks containing hazardous materials;
(c) What classes of tanks require inspection and at
what intervals, considering the size, type, and location of
the tanks, the types of hazardous materials contained in
them, and other relevant factors; and
(d) How safety standards can be enforced most
effectively; and be it further
RESOLVED, That these agencies are requested to make a
joint report to the General Assembly no later than December
31, 1978; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Joint Resolution be sent
to the Honorable William A. Urie, Secretary of licensing and
Regulation, One South Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland
21202; the Honorable Neil Solomon, Secretary of Health and
Mental Hygiene, 201 West Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland
21201; and the Honorable James B. Coulter, Secretary of
Natural Resources, Tawes State Office Building, Annapolis,
Maryland 21401; and the Honorable Robert J. Lally,
Secretary,__Department of Public Safety and Correctional
Services, 1 Investment Place, Towson, Md. 21204.
Approved May 16, 1978.