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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 2962   View pdf image
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areas of housing, consumer matters, unemployment and
education; and

WHEREAS, Organized labor has been an integral part   of

the economic growth and stability which the State    of

Maryland and its citizens have enjoyed throughout most   of
this century; and

WHEREAS, Labor organizations are part of the structure
and fabric of our society and provide the necessary balance
between interests of management and the needs of the working
person; and

WHEREAS, Before the advent of organized labor, workers
were faced with sometimes intolerable conditions, and, at
best, conditions over which they had no control; and

WHEREAS, Advances made by organized labor have resulted
in benefits such as cost of living increases, paid
vacations, extended vacations, and sick leave; and

WHEREAS, The history of organized labor is the history
of the betterment of the American working force; now,
therefore, be it and

WHEREAS, These are no longer subjects reserved to
labor, business, and the academic world, but which now
command the attention of every citizen; and

WHEREAS, Many vital issues will be determined with or

without an understanding of the underlying economic

principles and labor's contribution; and

WHEREAS, If proper decisions are to be made, our

children, the future electorate, must have an understanding
of our increasingly complex economic system; now, therefore,
be it

Boards of Education in the State of Maryland include courses
in their curricula to teach the American economic system and
the history of organized labor and its contribution to the
people of the State of Maryland and the nation as a whole;
and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the
State Board of Education, P. O. Box 8717,
Baltimore-Washington International Airport, Baltimore,
Maryland, 21240, for distribution to the County Boards of
Education and to the Acting Governor.

Approved May 16, 1978.


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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 2962   View pdf image
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