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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 1851   View pdf image
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BLAIR LEE III, Acting Governor


requirement that the leave must not exceed a particular
number of days per visit, except that a patient's leave
of absence may not exceed a total of 18 days during any
12-month period; and clarifying certain internal
cross-references and an agency designation.

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,

Article 43 - Health

Section 566B

Annotated Code of Maryland

(1971 Replacement Volume and 1977 Supplement)

MARYLAND, That section(s) of the Annotated Code of Maryland
be repealed, amended, or enacted to read as follows:

Article 43 - Health


(a)    (1) In this section the following words have
the meanings indicated.

(2)    "Facility" means any intermediate care
facility or skilled nursing facility.

(3)    "Intermediate care facility" means a
nursing facility which meets the standards for certification
and participation in Title XIX of the Social Security Act
and has entered into a provider agreement with the
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

(4)    "Leave of absence" includes visits with
friends or relatives and leaves to participate in State
approved therapeutic or rehabilitative programs.

(5)    "Recipient" means a person who is certified
as eligible for and is receiving medical assistance.

(6)    "Skilled nursing facility" means a nursing
facility which meets the standards for certification and
participation in Title XVIII or Title XIX of the Social
Security Act and has entered into a provider agreement with
the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

(b)    In order to ensure that beds are reserved for
recipients who are temporarily absent from intermediate care
facilities or skilled nursing facilities, the Maryland
medical assistance plan shall include the following

(1) If a patient is absent from a facility due
to hospitalization for an acute condition, the facility
shall receive payment for each day that the patient is
hospitalized and a bed is reserved and made available for
the patient upon that patient's return.


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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 1851   View pdf image
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