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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 1816   View pdf image
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Ch. 567

(10)   Receive and accept from the United
States of America or any of its agencies grants for or in
aid of the construction of any housing unit or any part of a
housing unit, and receive and accept aid or contributions
from any source of either money, property, labor or other
things of value, to be held, used and applied only for the
purposes for which such grants and contributions may be
made; and

(11)   Do all acts and things necessary or
convenient to carry out the powers expressly granted by the
provisions of this Act.

3.     Not to constitute obligation of state; payment of
principal and interest.

Any money borrowed under the authority of this
Act does not create or constitute any indebtedness or
obligation of the State of Maryland or of any of its
political subdivision, except the University, either legal,
equitable, moral or otherwise and does not constitute any
debt or obligation contracted by the General Assembly or
pledge the faith and credit of the State within the meaning
of § 34 of Article 3 of the Constitution of the State. Only
fees, rents, charges and revenues received from the use of
the housing unit or housing units constructed from the
proceeds of the loan authorized under the provisions of this
Act shall be used or appropriated for the payment of the
interest on or the principal of the loan.

4.    Exemption from taxation.

The exercise of the powers granted by the
provisions of this Act are in all respects for the benefit
of the people of this State, for the increase of their
education and prosperity, and for the improvement of their
health, living conditions and general welfare, and as the
operation and maintenance of the facilities and
accommodations by the University constitutes the performance
of essential governmental functions, the University is not
required to pay any taxes or assessments upon any building
or buildings or any property, real, personal or mixed,
acquired or used by the University under this Act or upon
the income therefrom.

5.    Literal construction of provisions.

The provisions of this Act, being necessary for
the welfare of the State and its inhabitants, shall be
liberally construed to effect its purposes.

hereby declared to be an emergency measure and necessary for
the immediate preservation of the public health and safety
and having been passed by a yea and nay vote supported by
three—fifths of all the members elected to each of the two
Houses of the General Assembly, the same shall take effect


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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 1816   View pdf image
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