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contribution, and to take certain other action;
specifying that money borrowed under this Act is not an
indebtedness or obligation of this State or any
political subdivision; specifying that only fees,
rents, charges and revenues from the housing units
subject to this Act may be used or appropriated for
payment of interest on or principal of the loan;
exempting the University from certain taxes or
assessments of property acquired or used under this
Act; providing for construction of the Act; generally
providing for the authority of the University with
respect to these facilities; and declaring this Act to
be an emergency measure.
1. Housing Facilities — Definitions.
(a) In this Act, the following words have the
meaning indicated, unless otherwise indicated by the
(b) "Resolution" means a resolution adopted by
a majority of the members of the board of regents of the
University of Maryland.
(c) "Costs" includes, as applied to any
project, the cost of construction, the cost of the
acquisition of all land, rights—of—way, property rights,
easements and interests acquired by the University of
Maryland for such construction, the cost of all machinery
and equipment, financing charges, interest prior to and
during construction and for one year after completion of
construction, the cost of engineering and legal expenses,
plans, specifications, surveys, estimates of costs and
revenue, other expenses necessary or incident to determining
the feasibility or practicability of construction of any
project, administrative expenses, and such other expense as
may be necessary of incident to the construction of any
project, the financing of such construction and the placing
of any such project in operation.
(d) "Housing unit" and "housing units" means housing
facilities and living accommodations for students that
result from the reconstruction and renovation of homes
located at Pascualt Row in the 600 block of W. Lexington
Street, Baltimore City, and may include such related
facilities as eating facilities, recreational facilities,
and parking facilities.
2. Powers of University - Generally.
In order to provide additional housing facilities
for students at the University of Maryland Baltimore Campus,
the University of Maryland, by resolution, may: