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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 1809   View pdf image
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BLAIR LEE III, Acting Governor                            1809

(2)  That the activities for which the license is
sought will be solely and personally conducted, managed, and
operated by the regular members of the organization without
the assistance of professionals.

(3)  That no cash prizes greater than $10 FOR A

PADDLE WHEEL [$10] $5 FOR A PADDLE WHEEL, $500 $10 $1,000

for a raffle and $50 for a bingo game are to be offered,
except a "jackpot" in the maximum amount of [$500] $1,000
directly connected with bingo games [or four cash prizes
per year in the amount of $500 for a raffle].

(4)   That the applicant, by one of its   principal
officers, will, within 15 days after the last day     named in
the application for the conducting of the      licensed
activities, file a report under penalties of        perjury
certifying the following facts:

(I)   That the authorized activities were
conducted at the time and place stated in the application by
the regular members of the organization personally without
the assistance of professionals, and that the member or
members conducting such activities do not regularly conduct
any such activities for any other organization.

(II)  That no cash prizes [greater than 10
for a raffle or $50 for a bingo game] were offered, except
as authorized in paragraph (b) (3).

(III)  The AMOUNT AND disposition of the
cash proceeds of the licensed activities.

(c) The license shall be issued under the following

(1)  The sheriff shall charge a license fee of $1
for the issuance of each bingo license and a license fee of
$5 for each carnival and raffle license.

(2)   The Sheriff may not issue to a single
organization or auxiliary unit more than 25 licenses for
bingo games, four licenses for raffles, or two licenses for
carnivals in a calendar year. A LICENSEE MAY NOT CONDUCT

(3)  A license is required for each day a bingo
game is operated, unless the bingo game is held in a duly
licensed carnival.

[ 94) Any number of bingo game licenses, up to

the maximum of 25 for any calendar year, may be issued at

one time if the applicant so desires, provided that the

applicant conducts bingo games no more than one day of any

given week.]

(d) Any organization refusing to file the report set
forth in subparagraph (b) (4) forfeits its right to the


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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 1809   View pdf image
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