Ch. 508
Article 30 - Deaf, Mute or Blind
Section 3 and 5
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1976 Replacement Volume and 1977 Supplement)
Article 30 - Deaf, Mute or Blind
Section 7
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1976 Replacement Volume and 1977 Supplement)
MARYLAND, That section(s) of the Annotated Code of Maryland
be repealed, amended, or enacted to read as follows:
Article 30 - Deaf, Mute or Blind
The [directors] BOARD OF TRUSTEES of Blind Industries
and Services of Maryland are IS authorized and empowered to
apply such portion of their endowment fund and annual income
as they may deem expedient to establish training and
employment centers and to open a store for the sale of
articles manufactured by the blind, and to extend the
benefits of such centers and store to the adult blind of
this State not resident in the institutions, on such terms
and under such regulations as they [may] SHALL
General supervision and control of all such training
and employment centers shall be vested in a board of eleven
trustees, all of whom shall be appointed by the Governor, by
and with the advice and consent of the Senate. When the
trustees are appointed after July 1, 1977, four shall be
appointed for three years, four shall be appointed for two
years, and three shall be appointed for one year. Any
trustee appointed to the board after the appointment
immediately preceding July 1, 1977, shall be appointed for a
term of three years- If a vacancy occurs on the board, it
shall be filled for the unexpired term by an appointment by
the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. The
board shall serve without compensation. [Members] TRUSTEES
shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred while actually
engaged in the performance of their duties in accordance
with standard travel regulations.
For each blind or colored deaf person under eighteen
years of age sent to the Maryland School for the Blind, from
the City of Baltimore or any one of the counties in the
BY repealing