AN ORDINANCE to repeal and re—enact, with amendments,
Section 12-254, "Bingo licenses - Fees"; Section
12-255, "Same - Privileges conferred by Class NA, NB
and NC license; prizes; Section 12—259, "Same —
Resident agent; examination of applicants;
transferability; basis for nonissuance; revocation
and issuance"; and Section 12—269, "Same — Period of
operation; prizes; one required for each device", of
the Anne Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and
Supplements) , Title 12, "Licenses, Permits and
Franchises", Subtitle 2, "Amusements", Article II,
"Fees and Regulations", to increase the license fees
in Class NA and Class NB Bingo Licenses; to increase
the amount of prize money that may be awarded; to
strike the provision that no Class NB or Class NC
Bingo Licenses shall permit the operation of any
bingo game on any Sunday; to increase the amount of
award or prize payable in the operation of a paddle
wheel or wheel of fortune; and matters generally
related thereto.
Approved June 9, 1976.
Bill No. 49-76
AN ORDINANCE to add new Sections 12-2400 through 12-2422,
inclusive, to the Anne Arundel County Code (1967
Edition and Supplements), Title 12, "licenses,
Permits and Franchises", to follow immediately after
Section 12—2308 thereof, and to be under the new
Subtitle 24, "Air Conditioning, Heating and
Refrigeration", to establish a Board of
Environmental Systems Examiners, to provide for its
functions, membership and procedures; to require
persons engaged in heating and air conditioning
trades to obtain a license, and provide standards
prerequisite to the issuance of such licenses and to
provide for their suspension and revocation; to
provide penalties for violation of the provisions of
this Subtitle, to generally regulate heating and air
conditioning trades, and matters generally related
Approved May 27, 1976.
Bill No. 52-76
AN ORDINANCE to add new Sections 13-300.2(98A),
"Structures accessory for waterfront lots", 13—300.7
(13) and (14), and 13-300.9(d) to the Anne Arundel
County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title
13, "Planning and Zoning", Subtitle 3, "Alternate