WHEREAS, the Controller has certified in writing
that such funds are available for appropriation; now,
Approved January 22, 1976.
Bill No. 132-75
AN ORDINANCE to add new Section 11A-103 to the Anne
Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements),
title 11A, "Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code",
Subtitle 1, "General Provisions", to follow
immediately after Section 11A—102, to define certain
terms as used in this title; to add new Section
11A—104 to said Code, Title and Subtitle, to clarify
the usage of the words "building", "dwelling",
"dwelling unit", "rooming house", "rooming unit",
"premises", and "structure" used in this title; to
repeal Subtitle 2, "Definitions", of said Code and
Title and enact new Subtitle 2, "Prevention and
Elimination of Rodent Harborage", in lieu thereof;
to add new Section 11A-304.1 to said Code, Title,
Subtitle 3, "Responsibilities of Owners and
Occupants", to follow immediately after Section 11A
— 304, to prohibit any owner or occupant from
accumulating any rubbish or other material which may
provide food or harborage for rodents; to repeal and
re—enact, with amendments. Section 11A—400 of said
Code, Title, Subtitle 4, "Minimum Standards for
Basic Equipment and Facilities", to provide that
certain devices need not be present while the
dwelling unit is not occupied; to repeal and
re—enact, with amendments. Sections 11A—401,
11A-402, 11A-403, 11A-404 and 11A-406 of said Code,
Title' and Subtitle, to include the word "dwelling"
in addition to "dwelling units" in said sections; to
repeal and re—enact, with amendments, Section
11A—504 of said Code, Title, Subtitle 5, "Minimum
Standards for Light and Ventilation", to provide
that every public hallway and stairway in multiple
dwelling units shall be adequately lighted so as to
provide at least ten footcandles of light; to repeal
Section 11A-702 of said Code, Title, Subtitle 7,
"General Requirements Relating to the Safe and
Sanitary Maintenance of Premises", and enact new
Section 11A-702 in lieu thereof, to provide for the
maintenance and upkeep of any vacant dwelling; to
repeal and re—enact, with amendments, Section
11A—1300 of said Code, Title, Subtitle 13, "Notice
of Violation", to outline the procedure for giving
notices of violation; to repeal and re—enact, with
amendments, Section 11A—1301 of said Code, Title and
Subtitle, to provide for reinspection of any
premises described in the notice of violation; to