WHEREAS, Mayor and Council of Snow Hill has
determined that a proper regard for the cost of money to
conduct the affairs of the Town and to pay any
indebtedness of the Town when due, with interest, if any,
requires that the rate of interest charged on delinquent
taxes due to the town be increased from one—half of one
per centum (1/2%) for each month or fraction thereof
until paid to three—fourths of one per centum (3/4%) per
month or fraction thereof until paid.
[Section 383 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Worcester County, repealed and reenacted, with
Effective Date July 29, 1976]
(Montgomery County)
Amendments to the Charter of the
Town of Somerset
Resolution of the Council of the Town of Somerset
pursuant to the authority of Article XI—E of the
Constitution of Maryland and Section 13 of Article 23A of
the Annotated Code of Maryland 1957 (1973 Replacement
Volume, 197 5 Cumulative Supplement), title "Corporations
— Municipal" to repeal and re—enact, with amendments,
Sections 21, 26, and 32 of the Charter of the Town of
Somerset, being Sections 83-21, 83—26, and 83—32,
respectively, of the Montgomery County Code 1972, said
Section 21 to change the minimum age for voting from
twenty—one to eighteen; to delete the requirement that a
voter must have resided in the State of Maryland for one
year next preceding a town election; to change from six
months to fourteen days next preceding a town election
the period during which a person must have resided within
the corporate limits of the Town to be a qualified voter;
said Section 26 to provide for voter registration by mail
and to provide for additional days of registration in
person; said Section 32 to provide in the event of a tie
vote in any election for a special election three weeks
later to break any tie.
[Sections 83-21, 83-26, and 83-32 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Montgomery County, repealed and
reenacted, with amendments.
Effective Date March 23, 1976]