MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 4029
April 27, 1977
Honorable Blair Lee, III
Lieutenant Governor of Maryland
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Dear Lieutenant Governor Lee:
It has been traditional to have several bill
signings at intervals following adjournment of the
regular session of the General Assembly. The volume of
bills which must be acted upon necessitates this action.
In addition, it is important that Emergency Bills passed
by the General Assembly be acted upon expeditiously,
since they take effect upon Gubernatorial approval.
Mr. Wilner has advised me that there are
approximately 135 bills and Joint Resolutions, including
some Emergency Bills, that have been reviewed by him and
by the Attorney General, and are appropriate for
signature. A list of these Bills and Resolutions is
attached. Many of these bills should be signed before
May 1, 1977, and I am advised that Friday, April 29,
1977, at about 4:30 p.m. is convenient for you, the
Speaker of the House of Delegates, the President of the
Senate, and other necessary parties to have a bill
signing. Unfortunately, due to illness, I will be unable
to perform the Constitutional duty to sign bills on that
In accordance with Article II, Section 6(b) of the
Constitution of Maryland, I hereby notify you that I will
be unable, because of my illness, to perform the
particular duty of my office of signing bills on the
attached list on Friday, April 29, 1977; and you shall
therefore serve as Acting Governor for that purpose
between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on that day.
Marvin Mandel
May 16, 1977
Honorable Blair Lee, III
Lieutenant Governor of Maryland
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404