April 9, 1977
Honorable Blair Lee, III
Lieutenant Governor of Maryland
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Lieutenant Governor Lee:
Due to illness, I will be confined in the Prince
George's County Hospital for a period of time, including
Tuesday, April 12, 1977.
It has been traditional to have a bill signing on
the day following adjournment of the regular session of
the General Assembly, which, this year, is April 12,
1977. It is important that Emergency Bills passed by the
General Assembly be acted upon expeditiously, since they
take effect upon Gubernatorial approval.
Mr. Wilner has advised me that there are
approximately 56 bills and Joint Resolutions, including a
number of Emergency Bills, that have been reviewed by him
and by the Attorney General, and are appropriate for
In addition, prior to ray hospitalization, I had
determined to issue an Easter commutation to State and
local prisoners meeting certain criteria. A list of
approximately 200 such inmates satisfying those criteria
has been prepared by the Division of Parole and
Probation, It is important that these commutations be
issued in order to help relieve some of the overcrowding
in the correctional facilities. The necessary papers
will,. I am told, be ready on Tuesday.
In accordance with Article II, Section 6(b) of the
Constitution of Maryland, I hereby notify you that I will
be unable, because of my hospitalization, to perform the
particular duties of my office of signing bills and
issuing the Easter commutations on Tuesday, April 12,
1977; and you shall therefore serve as Acting Governor
for those purposes between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon on
that day.
As soon as the doctor approves, I would like to meet
with you to discuss how we will proceed until my release
from the hospital.
Marvin Mandel