pensation Plan created
01.01.1974.20 08/16/74
Governor's Commission on Char-
itable Organizations created
Maryland Disaster Assistance
Plan, approved
Amended Order 01.01.1974.16,
relating to grievance pro-
cedures for State employees
Rescinded Orders 01.01.1970.11,
01.01.1970.12 and 01.01.1971.04
and created Appellate Judicial
Nominating Commission and
Trial Court Judicial Nominating
01.01.1974.21 10/24/74
01.01.1974.22 12/18/74
01.01.1974.23 12/18/74
01.01.1975.01 04/01/75
01.01.1975.02 04/08/75
Pretrial credit ordered
Interagency Committee on Spe-
cialized Transportation
01.01.1975.03 04/14/75
Rescinded Orders 01.01.1969.03,
01.01. 1969.05, and
01.01.1971.01 and created new
Governor's Commission on Law
Enforcement & the Adminis-
tration of Justice
Policies on minority businesses
Glenn L. Martin State Airport
Revoked Order 01.01.1974.21
and approved new Maryland
Disaster Assistance Plan
Amended Order 01.01.1970.01,
relating to the Maryland
Council on the Environment
01.01.1975.04 05/07/75
01.01.1975.05 06/27/75
01.01.1975.06 09/26/75
01.01.1975.07 10/08/75
01.01.1975.08 10/14/75
Cheltenham Governing Board
and Citizens Advisory
Board created
01.01.1976.01 02/24/76
Governor's Commission for Stu-
dent Affairs at the University
of Maryland created
Policy on open meetings of
executive public bodies
01.01.1976.02 05/25/76