the evaluation of existing and day—to-day
policies and programs, and the review of the
general functioning and organization of the
Fund] HIM.
6. The Board shall meet [at least
once each month for the foregoing purposes.
In addition, the Board shall meet ] upon the
call of its chairman or a majority OF its
members [and] OR at the request of the
Executive Director [or the Board of Trustees
of the Fund],
WHEREAS, By Executive Order No. 11422, August, 1968, the
President of the United States created the
Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System (CAMPS) to
coordinate manpower programs at the State and local
level for the employability of unemployed,
underemployed, and disadvantaged persons; and
WHEREAS, Pursuant to that Presidential Executive Order,
I, as Governor of Maryland, issued an Executive
Order on October 8, 1970, to provide for the
coordination of these manpower programs in the State
of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, The Executive Order of October 8, 1970, provided
for a Maryland Manpower Coordinating Committee to
carry out cooperative planning and effect the
coordination of manpower training and supporting
manpower services, as well as a Manpower Advisory
Commission, to serve in an advisory capacity; and
WHEREAS, By the enactment of the Comprehensive Employment
and Training Act of 1973 (CETA), Public Law 93-203,
the Congress has created by statute a new federal
system for providing manpower services; and
WHEREAS, CETA supersedes the CAMPS program created by
Presidential Executive Order, and requires a
reorganization of the State structure for providing
and coordinating manpower services in the State; and
WHEREAS, CETA requires the establishment of a Statewide
body to coordinate manpower activities in the State
and to advise the Governor and others participating
in the manpower programs; and