FOR the purpose of creating a hostel system in Maryland;
setting forth possible operation methods for the
hostel system; and generally relating to hostels in
May 26, 1977
Honorable John Hanson Briscoe
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Dear Mr. Speaker:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the
Maryland Constitution, I have today vetoed House Bill
This bill authorizes the Department of Economic and
Community Development to set up, and presumably to
operate, hostels in Maryland. A hostel is defined in the
bill as an overnight lodging facility providing minimum
The bill requires that a fee be charged to guests,
and sets forth certain guidelines for the types of
services that may be provided and for the operation of
the hostels.
Although there may be a need for some of these
facilities, particularly for young people travelling
through the State, I do not believe that the State should
be in the business of innkeeper. There are numerous
small motels and inns throughout the State that can
provide this type of service at reasonable rates; and,
if there is a need for more of them, they can be
established privately.
The fiscal note prepared by the Department of Fiscal
Services estimates that each hostel would cost the State
over $200,000 in initial capital expenditures and about
$80,000 in net operating expenses. In light of the many
other and higher priority calls upon State resources,
this type of expenditure is entirely unjustified.
For these reasons, I have vetoed House Bill 1922.
Marvin Mandel