in said act for Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene, Juvenile Services Administration, Maryland
Training School for Boys, equipment for seven (7)
detention cottages on Junior Campus; to an item in
said act for Department of Public Safety and
Correctional Services, Division of Correction, to
convert central office of the Division of Correction
into work release housing; to an item in said act
for Department of Public Safety and Correctional
Services, Maryland House of Correction, to raze old
power plant and construct a protective structure for
the water pumping station and water line complex; to
an item in said act for Department of Public Safety
and Correctional Services, Division of Correction,
Maryland House of Correction, to convert the old
auditorium into a visitors area and install security
control entrance to the visitors area; to an item in
said act for Department of Public Safety and
Correctional Services, Division of Correction,
Maryland House of Correction, for planning and
preparation of detailed plans and specifications to
construct a minimum security dormitory and dining
room; to an item in said act for Department of
Public Safety and Correctional Services, Maryland
Penitentiary, Division of Correction, for renovation
of main floor of Administration Building; to an item
in said act for Department of Public Safety and
Correctional Services, Division of Correction,
Central Laundry, for installation of emergency
generator; to an item in said act for Department of
Public Safety and Correctional Services, Division of
Correction, Patuxent Institution, to replace roof
and repair brick wall facing on defective delinquent
building; to an item in said act for Department of
Public Safety and Correctional Services, Division of
Correction, Maryland State Police, for construction
of the Howard County State Police Barracks; to an
item in said act for Department of Public Safety and
Correctional Services, Division of Correction,
Maryland State Police, for planning and preparation
of detailed plans and specifications to renovate
Building "I"; to an item in said act for Department
of Public Safety and Correctional Services, Division
of Correction, Maryland State Police, for planning
and preparation of detailed plans and specifications
to construct a new Glen Burnie State Police
Barracks; to an item in said act for University of
Maryland, College Park, for construction of a Human
Ecology Building; to an item in said act for
University of Maryland, College Park, for conversion
of Dining Hall No. 1; to an item in said act for
University of Maryland, Baltimore City Campus, for
design and preparation of detailed plans and
specifications for School of Social Work and
Community Planning; to an item in said act for