MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 3913
Building in Baltimore City; to an item in said act
for Board of Public Works for renovation of the Old
School Hall building in St. Mary's County; to an
item in said act for Military Department for
acquisition of land and planning and preparation of
detailed plans and specifications for Frederick
Armory; to an item in said act for Department of
Natural Resources, Park Service Administration,
Cedarville State Park, for design and construction
of contact station park office, visitor center,
utility and site improvements; to an item in said
act for Department of Natural Resources, Park
Service Administration, Elk Neck - Black Hill Ranger
Station, for planning and preparation of preliminary
plans and specifications for construction of
addition to the office, storage building, service
yard and utilities; to an item in said act for
Department of Natural Resources, Park Service
Administration, Herrington Manor State Park, for
construction of concession building; to an item in
said act for Department of Natural Resources, Park
Service Administration, Janes Island State Park, for
design and construction of shore erosion control
measures in the Hodson area; to an item in said act
for Department of Natural Resources, Park Service
Administration, Tuckahoe State Park, for planning
and preparation of detailed plans and specifications
to construct an earth dam; to an item in said act
for Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Mental
Hygiene Administration, Regional Institute for
Children and Adolescents, for construction of an
Educational and Community Activities Building; to an
item in said act for Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene, Juvenile Services Administration,
Headquarters, for design and construction, or
acquisition including renovation of, and necessary
addition to an existing facility for a Juvenile
Detention Center; to an item in said act for the
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Juvenile
Services Administration, Boys Village of Maryland,
for renovation of two (2) housing units, Henry and
Rennie Cottages, into a Detention Center; to an item
in said act for Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene, Juvenile Services Administration, Montrose
School, for planning and preparation of detailed
plans and specifications to renovate the Gardner
Building; to an item in said act for Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene, Juvenile Services
Administration, Boys' Forestry Camps, for planning
and preparation of detailed plans and specifications
for construction of new dormitory and kitchen; to an
item in said act for Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene, Juvenile Services Administration, Maryland
Training School for Boys, for equipment for four (4)
eighteen-bed cottages on Senior Campus; to an item