signing Senate Bill 790, the result may be that the
options available to industries which require these
disposal facilities are not only limited, but actually
eliminated. The only alternatives for such industries
are reduced production or relocation. The State economy
can ill afford the potential losses from either
Another concern which I have with Senate Bill 790 is
that it will limit the Baltimore County government in its
efforts to manage the County's industrial waste problems.
The Department of Natural Resources, in requesting that I
veto this bill, points out that approximately one-third
of the total industrial wastes generated in the State
come from Baltimore County.
Finally, I am concerned that Senate Bill 790 will
create new problems at the State level. Recognizing the
health, safety, and environmental considerations which
are inherent in the issue of hazardous waste disposal,
the General Assembly created a program to control such
disposal. The Legislature passed, and I signed, Senate
Bill 977 (Chapter 618 of the Acts of 1976) which
authorized the Department of Natural Resources to issue a
permit to operate or maintain a hazardous substance
treatment or disposal facility. By the terms of that
Act, the Department is required to cooperate with the
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene with respect to
the issuance of permits by the latter agency for refuse
disposal systems.
This statutory mandate would now seem to be negated
by Senate Bill 790, with respect to the issuance of a
permit for a hazardous waste sanitary landfill. The
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene would be
prohibited from issuing such a permit, but the mandate
given to the Department of Natural Resources by Chapter
618 is unchanged. At best, the authority of the
Department of Natural Resources would be rendered
ambiguous by the signing of Senate Bill 790.
The location of many types of public facilities has
become one of the most serious issues confronting all
governing bodies. Notwithstanding the need for a
particular facility, each citizen quite naturally does
not want that facility located in an area where its
presence may, to his mind, limit his freedom or security.
However, the need or placement of a hazardous substance
sanitary landfill in Baltimore County is not an issue in
this case. whatever industry or residential location may
have prompted the introduction of Senate Bill 790, its
potential economic and practical consequences reach far
beyond the finite confines of a particular neighborhood.
For these reasons, I have decided to veto Senate