Multiservice Center/District Court - Buildings before
February 15, 1978 a master space and functional
relationship program, as recommended in the consultant's
report, to serve as the design basis for all Level 2, 3,
and 4 Multiservice Centers and to provide standards
necessary for program development for individual Level 1
Multiservice Centers; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the General Assembly, in acting upon
any requested appropriation for Multiservice
Center/District Court Buildings must consider the
position of the Governor as offered in the master plan
and express legislative intent for implementing the
Multiservice Center/District Court Building concept for
the ensuing fiscal year and all subsequent fiscal years.
Approved April 29, 1977.
No. 11
(Senate Joint Resolution 11)
A Senate Joint Resolution concerning
Port Retrievers Clean—up Vessels
FOR the purpose of requesting the Department of Natural
Resources to study the possible use of port
retrievers clean—up vessels for cleanup of the
waterways of Maryland.
A watercraft designed for cleanup of tidal waterways
has been used successfully in various parts of the United
States. It is called a port retriever and consists of a
mobile scoop built into a catamaran style boat.
The waterways of Maryland at various seasons of the
year are most susceptible to accumulations of litter and
debris, and fish kills; now, therefore, be it
the Department of Natural Resources is requested to study
the possible use of port retrievers clean-up vessels for
cleanup of the waterways of Maryland; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to
the Department of Natural Resources.
Approved May 17, 1977.