Ch. 945
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1976 Replacement Volume
and 1976 Supplement) be and they are hereby repealed;
Article 2C - Alcoholism
[Disorderly Intoxication]
(a) No person shall be intoxicated and endanger
the safety of another person or property.
(b) No person shall be intoxicated or drink any
alcoholic beverage in a public place and cause a public
(c) Any person violating the prohibitions of this
section is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.00 or
by imprisonment of not more than 90 days, or both.
(d) No county, municipality or other political
subdivision of this State shall adopt ordinances or
resolutions identical to or supplementing this section,
and any existing ordinance, resolution, or other
legislation inconsistent with this section is hereby
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this
section, Baltimore County is authorized to adopt
ordinances or resolutions supplementing this section,
including but not limited to the authority to regulate
possession or consumption of any alcoholic beverage on
any public property or property used by the public in
general or on any highway.]
(a) In Montgomery County, no person may drink any
alcoholic beverage, as defined in Article 2B, Section
2(a), Annotated Code of Maryland, (A) on public property
without authorization by a governmental entity which has
jurisdiction over such property, (B) on the mall, or on
adjacent parking areas, or other outside areas, of any
combination of privately owned retail establishments,
commonly known as a shopping center, to which the general
public is invited for business purposes without
authorization by the owner of such shopping center, (C)
on adjacent parking areas or other outside areas of any
other retail establishment without the authorization of
the owner of such establishment or (D) in any parked
vehicle located on any of the foregoing places enumerated
in this subsection without such authorization. In the
case of public property, any governmental entity owning
or otherwise having jurisdiction over the property is
empowered to adopt by local law, ordinance, rule or
regulation, as appropriate, standards providing for the
authorization of the consumption of alcoholic beverages