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Session Laws, 1977
Volume 735, Page 1823   View pdf image
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AN ACT concerning Washington County — Sheriff's Salary FOR the purpose of altering the compensation of the
Sheriff of Washington County; prohibiting the salary
increase from affecting the incumbent; and generally
relating to the compensation of the Sheriff of
Washington County. BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments, Article - Courts and Judicial Proceedings Section 2-309(w) Annotated Code of Maryland (1974 Volume and 1976 Supplement)
MARYLAND, That Section 2-309(w) of Article - Courts and Judicial Proceedings, of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1974 Volume and 1976 Supplement) be and it is hereby repealed and reenacted, with amendments, to read as follows: Article — Courts and Judicial Proceedings 2-30 9. (w) (1) The Sheriff of Washington County shall
receive a salary of [$12,500] $18,000. He may appoint an
office deputy at a salary set by the County
Commissioners. He may appoint the following additional
employees who shall receive not less than the salaries
indicated: two deputies—$2,400 and $50 per month each
for the use of their automobiles; one secretary—$1,800;
a chief warden of the jail—$2,400; an assistant
warden—$2,100; an attorney to the Sheriff-—$600; and a
cook—$1,800; additional special deputies—same salary as
deputies. Salaries set by this section, except the
Sheriff's salary are minimum salaries and may be
increased from time to time by the County Commissioners. (2)    Any deputy sheriff appointed according
to this section shall be placed on a probationary status
for the first year of his employment, and may be
dismissed by the Sheriff for any reason during that
probationary period. At the conclusion of twelve months
continuous employment, a deputy sheriff having the rank
of sergeant or below has tenure, and may be discharged by
the Sheriff only for misfeasance, malfeasance,
nonfeasance, or insubordination in office. (3)    If the Sheriff of Washington County
approves after considering personnel needs, the County
Commissioners may authorize a deputy sheriff to perform
off-duty services for any person who agrees to pay a fee,
including but not limited to, hourly rates for off-duty

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Session Laws, 1977
Volume 735, Page 1823   View pdf image
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