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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 3165   View pdf image
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Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957, as subsequently
amended, title "Corporations - Municipal," Sub-title
"Charter Amendments," by adding or annexing to said
corporate boundaries the following area immediately
adjacent and adjoining the present corporate boundary, to

Situate on Howell Road, formerly known as the Howell
Farm Road, West of South Edgewood Drive and U. S. Route
40 and lying contiguous with the present corporate
boundary of The City of Hagerstown, and being more
particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the end of the South 57 degrees 20
minutes West 344.01 foot line of the existing corporate
boundary, crossing U.S. Route 40 (Dual Highway) and
running with the existing corporate boundary South 28
degrees 33 minutes East 149.36 feet, thence continuing
with the existing corporate boundary South 56 Degrees 46
minutes West 265.23 feet to the center line of Howell
Road, thence continuing with a portion of the existing
corporate boundary North 40 degrees 47 minutes West
153.13 feet, thence leaving the existing corporate
boundary North 57 degrees 20 minutes East 297.56 feet to
the point of beginning; containing 0.97 acres of land,
more or less, and being more particularly described on
Drawing No. 83-416-01 on file in the office of the City
Engineer, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a
part hereof.

WHEREAS, the proposal to enlarge the corporate
boundaries of The City of Hagerstown by adding or
annexing thereto the above described area which is
immediately adjacent to and adjoins the present southerly
corporate boundary, is contained in a Petition signed by
Richard L. Harrison, Trustee, Eric C. Summers, Trustee,
Richard L. Harrison, Individually, Lois S. Harrison,
Pauline S. Moyer and Jeanne S. Grades, Individually, as
the owners of all the real estate contained within said
area; and same is incorporated herein by reference and
made a part hereof;

WHEREAS, the Mayor has caused to be made a
verification of the signatures on said Petition and has
ascertained that there are no residents who are
registered voters in the county elections in the district
or districts in which the said area is located, as more
fully appears from the certificate of verification
subscribed by Joseph A. Walzl, City Clerk, which
certificate was presented at this meeting.

[Section 2 of Article I Charter of the City of
Hagerstown, repealed and reenacted, with amendments.

Effective date August 8, 1975]


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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 3165   View pdf image
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