MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 2729
*Not signed by the Governor.
No. 86*
(House Joint Resolution No. 60)
A House Joint Resolution concerning
Nursing Homes
FOR the purpose of requiring the State Office on Aging to
take certain measures necessary to encourage the
concern and participation of the citizenry in the
administration and programs of nursing homes; and
requesting the Office on Aging to report annually to
the General Assembly for a certain period the
progress which it has made in the immediate prior
year in accomplishing the objectives of this
More than 12,000 Marylanders, 90 percent of whom are
senior citizens, are in nursing homes. Residents of
nursing homes are in many instances isolated from
families and community. A succession of investigations
and study commissions have called for significant change
in the living circumstances of nursing home residents.
The General Assembly, in recognition of its concern
for the general problems of aging, and for the specific
problem of nursing home care, has created a State Office
on Aging by statute; now, therefore, be it
the State Office on Aging undertake measures necessary to
encourage the concern and participation of the citizenry
in the administration and programs of nursing homes, such
measures to include, but not be confined to, Statewide
expansion of the Life Support Program, establishment of
nursing home advisory boards, and establishment of county
based Long Term Care Committees; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Office on Aging is requested to
report annually to the General Assembly for a period of
three years the progress which it has made in the
immediate prior year in the accomplishment of the
objectives sought by this Resolution[[.]]; and be it
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to
Dr. Matthew Tayhack, Director of the State Office on
Aging and the Honorable Marvin Mandel, Governor of the
State of Maryland.
*Not signed by the Governor.