MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 2721
advice and assistance.
[[WHEREAS, Modern medicine is capable of prolonging
life even when there is no hope that the individual can
recover; and
WHEREAS, It is possible to prolong a person's life
in this way by making the person either an appendage to a
machine which provides all the life supports on an
unconscious dependent or drugs; now, therefore, be it]]
Modern medicine through the use of sophisticated
machinery and newly discovered drugs is now capable of
prolonging life more than was formerly the case. While
this is certainly worthwhile, there sometimes results
interminable and tremendous emotional stress and strain,
caused to a great degree by ever—burgeoning hope for
complete recovery even though the illness is considered
terminal now, therefore, be it
all hospitals and related institutions are urged to
create life preservation advisory committees to aid,
counsel and advise physicians, other hospital personnel
and family members in [[making the difficult decisions
that must occur at or near the end of a persons life]]
dealing with the difficult circumstances arising in
certain cases of terminal illness; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the life preservation committees
shall include, but not be limited to, a medical advisor
who is not a medical director of any nursing home or
hospital; a lay person who is not a member of any
hospital's administrative staff; an ethicist; a religious
counselor; and a lawyer; and be it further
RESOLVED, That these life preservation advisory
committees shall be readily available when re guested to
aid, counsel and advise [[the family members who are
faced with making decisions during the emotional trauma
of a dying relative or the hospital staff caring for
the]] those persons charged with the responsibility for
making decisions in the case of a terminally ill patient;
and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Maryland Hospital Association and
the Maryland Nursing Home Association shall establish an
advisory group to review the work of existing life
preservation groups and to establish guidelines and
suggest improvements; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to
the Maryland Hospital Association, 301 W. Preston Street,
Baltimore, Maryland 21201; and to the Maryland Nursing
Home Association, 301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore,
Maryland 21201; and that 200 copies be sent to the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene (for distribution
to each hospital, nursing home and related institution in