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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 1886   View pdf image
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Ch. 683

income payable to a trustee but withheld by the payor in
compliance with any revenue law.

(c)    Accounting from July 1, [1972] 1976, whether
or not the trust was in existence at that time,
commissions are payable at the end of each year upon the
fair value of the corpus or principal held in trust at
the end of each year as follows:

(1)    [One third] FOUR TENTHS of one percent
on the first $250,000,

(2)    [One fifth] ONE FOURTH of one percent on
the next $250,000,

(3)    [One eighth] THREE TWENTIETHS of one
percent on the next $500,000, and

(4) [One twelfth] ONE TENTH of one percent
upon any excess. Corpus commissions shall be paid out of
and chargeable against the corpus.

If a trust terminates, with respect to all or any
part of the corpus held in trust in the course of any
year, the commission for that year shall be reduced or
prorated according to the part of the year elapsed and
the amount of corpus as to which the trust terminates,
and be chargeable, for such part of a year (and with
respect to any such part of the corpus) at such
termination of the trust, upon the then value of the

(d)    For selling real or leasehold property, a
commission upon the proceeds of the sale is payable at
the rate allowed by rule of court or statute to trustees
appointed to make sales under decrees or orders of a
court of equity in the county where the real or leasehold
property is situated, or if the property is located
outside Maryland, for selling similar property in the
county where the trust is being administered. The
commission is payable from the proceeds of the sale when

(e)    Upon the final distribution of any trust
estate, or portion of it, an allowance is payable
commensurate with the labor and responsibility involved
in making the distribution, including the making of any
division, the ascertainment of the parties entitled, the
ascertainment and payment of taxes, and any necessary
transfer of assets. The allowance is subject to revision
or determination by any court of equity having
jurisdiction. In the absence of special circumstances
the allowance shall be equal to one half of one percent
upon the fair value of the corpus distributed.

(f)    In determining what is a single trust for the
application of the rates provided in this section, all
property held undivided under the terms of the will or


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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 1886   View pdf image
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