Volume 725, Page 296 View pdf image |
(296) Ex.d This Indenture made the Eleventh day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven Between Ann Fell of Baltimore County widow Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Edward Fell her late Husband of the same County deceased and Natural Guardian of William Fell an Infant the son of the said Edward and Ann Fell of the one part and Thomas Richardson of Ann Arundel County Merchant of the other part Whereas the said Edward Fell by his Last Will and Testament duly executed proved and Recorded did among other things Authorize and Impower his wife Ann to Lease such part of the Lotts on Fells Prospect as should fall to the share of his said Son to such persons as might apply for them under such Restrictions and Indulginces as theretofore had been made out to the persons taking Leases the payment of the Rents of which said Lotts so made Lease of should be to him his said Son or his Representative as by the said will may more fully Now This Indenture Witnesseth that the said Ann Fell in pursuance of and under the power in the said recited will to her given for and in Consideration of the Rents Covenants and Agreements herein after mentioned on the part of the said Thomas Richardson his Executors and Administrators and Assigns to be paid done kept and performed Hath demised Granted and to farm let and by these presents Doth demise Grant and to farm let unto the said Thomas Richardson All those two following Lots of Ground distinguished in a plat of the Town lately laid out of Fells Point by the numbers Seventy seven and Seventy eight Begining at a Stake standing at the Corner of Ann Street and Pit Street and runing and Bounding in Pit Street to the Lot seventy nine then bounding on the said Lott to the River then with the River to Ann Street and thence with Ann Street to the place of Begining containing one Quarter of an Acre more or less together with all ways Passages Improvements Easments priviledges and Appurtenances whatsoever to the demised premisses belonging or in any wise Appurtaining To have and to hold the said Lotts or parcels of Ground with the Appurtenances to the said demised premisses belonging unto the said Thomas Richardson his Executors Administrators and Assigns from the day next before the day of the date of these presents for and during and until the full end and term of Ninety and nine Years from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended Yielding and paying therefore yearly and every Year during the said Term unto the said William Fell the Son and his heirs on the eleventh day of September Yearly and every year the sum of three pounds thirteen shillings and four pence sterling (And) |
Volume 725, Page 296 View pdf image |
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