Volume 725, Page 182 View pdf image |
(182) Brian Philpot hath hereto set his hand and Affixed his Seal the day and Year first above written Signed Sealed and Delivered Brian Philpot (Seal) in the Presence of us Cha.s Digges Frank Leek On the Back of the Aforegoing Deed was this Written Viz.t Received on the day and year first within written of and from the within named Thomas Philpot the sum of five shillings Sterling being part of the consideration within Mentioned to be by him paid to me Witness Cha.s Digges By me Brian Philpot Frank Leek On the sixth day of October Seventeen hundred and sixty Six Came the within named Brian Philpot before me the Subscriber one of his Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court and Acknowledged the within Instrument of Writing to be his Act and Deed and the Lands and Premisses therein mentioned to be the only right and Estate of the within named Thomas Philpot his heirs and Assigns forever according to the true Intent and meaning of the same writing and the Act of Assembly in such case made and Provided Recorded the 2.d April 1767 Before J Hepburn 14 sides Exam.d This Indenture Made the third day of April in the Year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and sixty seven Between Henry Hall of Ann Arundel County in the Province of Maryland Gentleman of the other part Witnesseth that the said Henry Hall for and in consideration of the Sum of Eight hundred and sixty pounds five shillings sterling Money of Great Brittain to him in hand paid by the said John Hall the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part and Parcell thereof doth acquit and discharge the said John Hall by these Presents Hath given granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents Doth give grant bargain sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said John Hall and his heirs the following Tracts or Parcels of Land that is to say all that Tract or Parcel of Land lying and being in Frederick County called henry and Elizabeth enlarged Beginning at a Bounded Chesnut standing in the south side of a branch called the doe branch |
Volume 725, Page 182 View pdf image |
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