September the 13.th
1762 Then received of & from the
within named Robert Cowden
the sum of Ninety six
pounds Current Money of
Maryland being teh considerat.n
Money within Mentioned
I say receivd p me James Chalmers
Reverdy Ghiselin & W.m
The within Mortgagee agrees to accept of Dollars
at seven shilling and six
pence each in payment of
the within Debt if paid
at the Expiration of two years
from this 13.th
Sept.br 1762
Rob.t Cowden
September the 13.th
1762 Then came the within
named James Chalmers before
us the subscribers
two of his Lordships the
Lord Proprietarys Justices
of the Peace for Ann Arundel
County and Acknowledged
the within
Deed to be his Act and Deed & the
Land and Premisses within
mentioned to be the right and
Estate of the within named
Robert Cowden his Heirs
& assigns according
to the true intent and meaning
of the same Deed & the
act of assembly in such
cases made & provided
Reverdy Ghiselin Cl
7 sides
W.m Steuart
Recorded the 13.th September 1762