Volume 723, Page 183 View pdf image |
183 Snowden and his heirs Shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the reasonable Request and at the costs and charges in the Law of the John Hood his heirs and Assigns make such further & other grant & Assurence for the Sure Making and Confirming the af.d Land & Premisses unto the said John Hood his heirs & Assigns for ever according to the true intent and meaning hereof as he shall be by him Councill Learned be Reasonably Divised Advised or Required I wittness whereof the partie first above named hath hereunto set his hand & Affixed the ^his^ seale the Day & year first above written Signed Sealed and Richard Snowden (seal) Delivered in the Presence of us Henry Howard Ephraim Howard The 30th of May 1760 Then Came before us two of his Lordships Justices for Anarundele County Cort the within named Richard Snowden & Acknowledge the within Indenture to be his Act & Deed & the Land & Premisses therein mentioned to be the right and Estate of John Hood his heirs & Assigns for ever At the same time Came Elizabeth the wife of the within Richard Snowden and being Privately Examined out of the hearing of her said husband freely Acknowledge that she gave up all her right & title of Dower to the within mentioned Land and Premisses unto the within named John Hood his Heirs and Assigns for ever without any threats or fear of his Displeasure of her said Husband Taken & Acknowledged Before us Henry Howard May the 30th 1760 Ephraim Howard Then Received of John Hood the Just sum of thirty three pounds four Shillings & nine pence sterling By Bills of Exchange on M.r Silvanus Grove being the consideration money for the within Land and Premisses Test Ephraim Howard p me Richard Snowden |
Volume 723, Page 183 View pdf image |
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