Volume 720, Page 33 View pdf image |
33) on the fourteenth or fifteenth day of Aprill w.ch shall be in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Nine And Whereas by Certain Grant under the Great seale of the province of Maryland bearing date the first day of June in the Twelfth Year of the Dom.n of Charles Absolute Lord Baron of Baltemore &c Annoq Dom 1687 The s.d Cha Lord Baron of Baltemore for the Consideracons therein Menconed did hereby Grant unto the said Thomas Alcock at that tract or parcell of Land called Strawbridge Lying in Talbot County on west side of Tuckahoe Creeke about a mile from the Creeke on the back of the Lands (then formerly belonging to Jn.o Pawson being at a maked Hiccory haveing twelve Notches Viz.t being the first tree Ramali and from thence runing north north east one hundred and fifty per and from the end thereof runns west fifteen degrees southerly Eighty Eight per.s to a Marked Oake on the south side of a branch standing over against the first bounded tree of Marfield and from that oake Runns west seventy four perches to the Land Called Dudleys Choice and then Runns parelell w.th Dudleys Choice one hund.d & south line runs tens per south and from the end of the west two hundred thirty four perches parelell on that side w.th Dudleys Choice and from the end of the west Line runns south one hundred thirty four perches and from the end of the south Line runns east by north two hundred and thirty five per.s to the Land Called Ramali and from the end of the east and by north Line runns North sixty Eight per thence east and by north to the first Marked Hiccory Cont.a & now Laid out for two hundred sixty three acres be it more or Less according to the Certificate of survey thereof taken & returned into the Land office at the Citty of S.t Maries bearing So my orig.ll date the seventeenth day of June one thousand sixty hund.d eighty six and there Remaining upon record togeather w.th all Rights pffitts benefitts and previledges thereunto belonging (Royall mines excepted) To hold unto the said Thomas Alcock his heires and assignes for ever to be holden as the Mann.r of Baltemore in free and Common soccage by fealty only for all manner of services at and und.r the yearly rent of ten shill and and six pence half penny ster at the feast days of the annunci.a of the blessed Virgin Mary and S.t Mich.a the Archangell by even and equall porcons as by y.e s.d Recited Obligation and Condicon and Grant Relacon being thereunto respectively had may at Large appeare Now this Indenture Wittnesseth that saveing and Keeping harmless and indemnifieing the said Joseph Usher his heires ex.rs & adm.rs of and from the said Recited Bond or obligation and (all) |
Volume 720, Page 33 View pdf image |
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