Volume 719, Page 44 View pdf image |
44 On the back of aforegoing power was thus endorsed I assigne this warr.t to M.r Rob.t Goldesborough Gent one of the att.rys of the pov.ll Co.rt 120 W Bladen fees posed for 1708 x.d This Indenture made the Eighth day of Septemb.r In the seventh yeare of the Reigne of our sovereigne Lady Anne Queen of Great Brittain &c.a Annoq Dm one thousand seven and Eight Between Samuell Dryer of Ann Arrundell County in the province of Maryland Planter and Susanah his wife of the one part and Amos Garrett of said County and province merch.t of the other part Whereas the Right Honourable Charles Lord Baron of Baltemore &c.a by his Letters pattent bearing date the Tenth day of March one Thousand six hundred ninty and five did grant unto him the said Samuell Dryer of Annarundell County af.d all that Tract or percell of Land Called Dryers Inheritance Lying on the west side of the north Branch of Patuxent River Begining at a bound'd Red oake standing by the said Branch it being a bound tree of Thomas Brownes and runing north sixty two degrees west Eighty six per.s to a bound red oak in a branch Then north six degrees west Three hundred sixty two per.s to a bounded white oake Then north sixty six degrees East one hundred and Twenty per.s to a bound'd white oak standing by the said River then bounding on the said River runing south five degrees East Two hundred and seventy perches then by a straight Line to the first bound'd Tree Containing and now Laid out for two hundred fifty and foure acres of Land (More or Less) According to the Cert of Sur thereof |
Volume 719, Page 44 View pdf image |
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