Volume 718, Page 533 View pdf image |
(533) This Indenture made the fifteenth Day of October in the Thirteenth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord William the third by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defend.r of the faith &.c Between John Hemley Nephew Heire att Law and Devizee of Hugh Stanley Late of Calvert County gent Deceased of the one parte and Captaine Tho.s Dixon of Somersett County Planter of the other parte Wittnesseth that whereas the R.t Hon.ble Cæcilius Lord Barron of Baltemore in the yeare of our Lord 1663 by his Letters Pattents und.r his Greater seale att armes did Grant unto the said Hugh Stanley a parcell of Land Lyeing on the Eastorne shoare In pocomoke River on the Eastermost side of the said River Begining att a marked oake standing by the River side Close to a Marsh that runs out of said River into a Creeke Called Stanleys Creeke and runing North and by East up the said River the Bredth of six hundred seaventy five perches to a marked oake standing on the Bank of the said River with a line Drawne East and by south the Length of Three hundred and Twenty perches thence with a Line Drawne south and by west Downe the Neck to a marked Pine standing by Stanleys Creeke side the Bredth of six hundred seaventy and five perches thence |
Volume 718, Page 533 View pdf image |
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