Volume 718, Page 53 View pdf image |
(53 This Indenture made the sixteenth day of Aprill in the twelfth yeare of the Reigne of our sovereigne Lord King William the third of england & and in the yeare of our Lord god seaventeen hundred betweene Rich.d Beard of annarundell County in the p.rvince of maryland Gent of the one part and and Thomas Beeson & Nich.o Beson both of baltemore in the afd pvince planters of the other part witnesseth that the sd Rich.d Beard for and in Consideracon of the sume of six thousand pounds of tob to him in hand paid by the said Tho and Nicho Beeson before the ensealing and delivery of these psents whereof and where with he the said Rich.d Beard Doth acknowleg himselfe to be fully and wholy satisfied and doth of and for Every part and parcell thereof acquit and discharge the said Tho and Nich.o Beeson there heires execu.rs and adm.rs for ever by these psents hath given granted bargained sould alened Enfeoifed and Confermed and by thes psents Doth fully Clearely and absolutely give grant bargaine and sell Enfeoife and Conferme unto them the said tho and nicho Beeson there heires and assignes all that tract or parcel of Land Caled fortune situate lyeing & being in Baltemore County on the north side of Curtes Creek begining at a bounded Read oake by the said Creekside tenn pches south south west from the mouth of a Cove and runing from the said oake west one hundred fifty three pches to a bounded Read oake being a bounded tree of |
Volume 718, Page 53 View pdf image |
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