Volume 718, Page 138 View pdf image |
138 the rents issues and proffitts thereof to his and their Proper use and behoofe without any manner of Lawfull or other lett Barr Molestation or hindrance of him the said John Eason or his heires with Warranty only against him the said John Eason and his heires Except as before Excepted And that the sd John Eason and his heires shall and will at any time hereafter make such further Assureance of the premises at the request of the said Joshua Merrikin and his heires as he or they or their Councill Learnd in the Law shall reasonably advice Provided always that such Assureances doe not containe any other Warranty then from the sd John Eason and his heires under the Exception afd In Wittness whereof the partys to these p.rsents have interchangeably sett their hands and seales the day and Yeare Above Written his John seale Eason Sealed and Deliverd in the presence of Thom.s Bruffe W.m Rogers On the back of the aforesd Deed was thus written vizt Talbott fs Memorand That upon the Two and twentyeth day of July Anno Dm 1700 before us the subscribers being two of his Maj.ts Justices of the Peace for Talbott County came the within written John Eason of Talbott County Planter and did acknowledg the within mentioned Deed and the Land and premises therein contained to the within written Joshua Merriken his heires and assignes forever taken and Certified the day and Yeare above R Gouldesborough Edw.d Lloyd |
Volume 718, Page 138 View pdf image |
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