Volume 717, Page 892b View pdf image |
867) According to the true Intent and meaning of these p.rsents and that the said Benjamin Hatly his Heires and Assignes shall and may peaceably and quietly from henceforth and att all times Hereafter Have Hold occupye possesse and enjoye all the said two Tracts or parcells of land and all and singuler other the premisses before mentioned or intended to bee hereby Given granted aliened bargained sold enfeoffed and confirmed with their and every of theire apurtenances and every part and parcell thereof together with all and singuler the Rents Issues and proffits which henceforth shall come arise growe due and payable for or in respect of the said parcells of Land and premisses or any part thereof without any manner or of Lett suite troble interuption or eviction recovery denyall or hinderance whatsoever of or by the said George Plater his Heires Executors Administrators or Assignes or of or by any other person or psons whatsoever claimeing or to claime by from or under him them or any of them and that the same now is Free and Cleare and Freely and Clearely accquitted exonerated discharged and Kept Indempnified of and from all and singuler former and other bargaines sales guifts Grants Leases Joyntures Dowers uses Wills Fynes Issues Entayles Annuityes Rents and arrearages of Rents Stattutes recognazances Judgments Executions Extents Amerciaments Trusts Orders and Decrees and of and from all other Estates Rights Titles Troubles Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever Had made committed suffered done or executed by him the said George Plater or of or by any other person or psons whatsoever excepting and alwayes reserving the Rents and Services which henceforth shall grow due and payable unto the Cheife Lord or Lords of the Fee or Fees of whome the said premisses are Holden And further the said George Plater for himselfe His Heires executors administrators and assignes doth covenant promise and Grant to and with Benjamin Hatly by these psents that he the said George Plater his heires executors and administrators shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the resonable request and at the proper Cost and Charges in the Law of the said Benjamin Hatly His Heires and assignes make acknowledge suffer and execute and cause and procure to bee made do not acknowledged suffered and executed all and every such Further and other Lawfull and resonable Act and Acts thing and things Device and Devices assureances and conveyances whatsoever for the further better and more perfect assureance and conveying of all and singuler the before mentioned to bee hereby granted premisses with theire and every of theire apurtenances And every parte and parcell thereof Except as before Excepted to him the said Benjamin Hatly his Heires or assignes as Hee the said Benjamin Hatly his heires or assignes or his or theire Councill Learnees in the Law shall bee re^a^sonably devised and advised or required And lastly the said George Plater for himself and his Heires doth hereby covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said Benjamin Hatly and his Heires that George Plater and his heires shall and will at all times hereafter and for ever Warrant and Defend all the aforesaid two Tracts or parcells of Land and premisses with all and singuler its apertenances unto him the said Benjamin Hatly his heires and assignes for ever against all and all manner of persons claimeing or to claime any right Title or Interest thereunto either from by or under the said George Plater or any other pson or psons whatsoever In witnesse whereof the parties first above named to these psent Indentures Interchangably have sett theire Hands and seales the day and yeare first above written Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us John Freeman Dennick Crough September the 9.th 1698 Then receved of M.r John Brice for and on behalfe of the within named Hatly the sum of nine shillings and five pence sterling being for the alienation fine of the within mentioned Law wittness my hand Charles Carroll This day came befor us whose names are under Written George Plater Esq.r and did acknowledge that the within Written Convayance and the Land therein mentioned to be the Right of him the said within mentioned Benj.a Hatley & his heires for ever date y.e 22.d day July 1698 Thomas Tench Jo.n Hammond |
Volume 717, Page 892b View pdf image |
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